Saturday 12 March 2016

17. Salty Kiss, Magic Rock Brewing

Beer number 17: Salty Kiss

Brand: Magic Rock Brewing

Consumption date: 4/3/16
Description: Gooseberry Gose Ale
Nationality: English, West Yorkshire
ABV: 4.1%
Source: We Brought Beer, Clapham Junction
Price: £3.60

Let me start with the obvious, £3.60 is steep for a can in a shop. This I know, but the beer 366 calls for a little adventure, and besides, the visit to the shop supplanted the idea of a visit to the pub, ergo the cost offset has actually turned in my favour.

Now on to the main event - The beer. A Gose Ale. I'd never heard of the style before. So there I am, in the shop, engaging Google to educate myself and make a snap judgement whether this deserves a trial or not. A Gose ale is a sour style beer of German origin. The beer is top fermented and is fairly malty. Salty, herbaceous and bitter sharp lemon notes are typical flavour profiles. The Salty Kiss does not fail to follow the guidelines. This beer is definitely sour, not sweet, and has a fairly dry taste like you might expect in a white wine. The beer is cloudy in appearance and has no difficulty maintaining a head of froth throughout the drinking experience for that temporary white moustache look after each sip. In addition to the sour taste caused by the Gose ale process gooseberries have been added to bring a second sour input and, whilst they are certainly present, their impact is subtle. My preference for fruit additions. I have only one complaint to add with this description and that is that this beer is overly carbonated. I did not appreciate the excessive belching induced.

My rating for this beer:

2.5 beers out of 5

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