Thursday 31 March 2016

24. Premium Beer, Sapporo

Beer number 24 - Sapporo Premium Beer

Brand: Sapporo

Consumption date: 29/03/16
Nationality: Japanese
ABV: 4.7%
Source: New Loon Fung Chinese Supermarket, London
Price: £1.90 for one bottle

This is a drinkable premium lager - it's not too fizzy and it doesn't carry the oh-so-often watered down disappointment of an experience that much of the regularly available lager does. This could contribute to the long lasting nature that allows Sapporo to boast of being Japan's oldest brand. If you're someone who enjoys lager when other alternatives are available, or someone who just drinks whatever is available I see no reason why you would dislike the Sapporo premium beer. I'm afraid, however, that for me lager fails to provide delight and as such that this may be one of my last without being a few sheets to the wind or out of other options. Putting all that doom and gloom to one side for a moment let me reiterate that this is a drinkable lager. It isn't an unpleasant experience. The experience is just somewhat flat, and not because of the carbonation.

My rating for this beer:

2 beers out of 5.

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